

Ministry is not a solo sport. God does not intend for us to walk this path on our own. At the Wisconsin Worship Summit, we value connecting you with other like-minded brothers and sisters in Christ along your journey. One of the main ways we do this is through our worship summit cohorts. Our cohorts are small groups of Worship Leaders that meet virtually on a regular basis (once a month or every other month). These groups exist to continue to encourage and equip you. Our cohorts provide a place for you to share ideas, learn from others, pray for and be prayed for, and continue to build your network of like-minded leaders. 

If you’re interested in being a part of a cohort simply fill out this form (below) and we’ll start the process of getting you plugged into one!



How long does it last?

Each cohort last for a quarter or 6 months.


When we will start?

Your Cohort leader will contact you about starting.


How many people will there be?

No more than 10 people.


Who are Cohorts For?

They are for worship leaders.

Cohort Sign Up


Make connections with others doing the same things as you.


You'll be a part of a group you can share confidentially and with privacy.

Tools & Skills

Gather together with those that can help build your ministry toolbox.


Meet people who will encourage you in all your endeavors. 


Have a group to pray with you and for you each week.


Gather with those who can help you in difficult seasons of ministry.

Cohort Testimonials